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Currently meeting at 14 Shire Street 10.30am due to a broken truss

7th July: Fragile Lives

On James 4:13-5:12
Big Idea: God is in control of our lives, so we need to represent Him in the good times out of gratitude and persevere through the tough times being prepared to suffer for him so we can enjoy eternity when Jesus returns.
• It is God who is in control not us and our speech and lives should reflect this
• For people who live in luxury at others expense, they need to admit this and turn from all they have done wrong to God
• As the people of God we need to persevere in tough times, maturing in Jesus through them looking forward to his return.
Job 42:1-17
James 4:13-5:12

For more sermons please go to the Sermons page so please take a look.

Services and Building Project

We are now meeting at 10.30 at the chapel at 14 Shire Street due to the church building not currently being usable. This is due to a broken truss in the roof.

There is a building project happening, which will cost around $450,000. Details, updates and the way to contribute are on the Building Project page.


Every Sunday                  Church Service at 10.30am at 14 Shire St

Sunday 28th July         Youth Service

Sunday 4th August         The Lord’s Supper

We encourage children to be a part of our services. We sometimes hold children’s services, where they take an active part in the services often including acting out the readings and the address is focused at them. Otherwise services always contain a youth talk and when we can we provide a Sunday school during the sermon.

Growth Groups

We’re convinced that growing as disciples of Jesus happens as the Holy Spirit works among us, through God’s Word. Our Bible Study Groups are a place where get together to study God’s Word in an informal setting with a small number of people, and to think through the implications for our lives. We ask questions, help one another understand the Bible and pray. They’re a supplement to our regular Sunday gatherings that help us live for Jesus throughout the whole week and build relationships among God’s people.

There are currently two groups meeting both in the Manse (23 Court Street). These are:

  •                 Thursday Evenings from 6.30pm with dinner provided
  •                 Fridays 11.00am to 12.00

Talk to Andrew about joining a Growth Group.