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Building Project

The buildings have not been used for the last three years due to a broken truss making the buildin dangerous. Details of the project are below.

Current Position

Update 5/11/2021

$84,892 has been received towards the building project – over two thirds of the $116,000 needed. There is just $31,108 yet to go.

The aim is to sign the contracts for the main structural work building project in the next couple of months. We are awaiting an updated quote from the builders. All the pews have now been sold.

If you have further questions or wish to contribute please talk to Andrew Cooper on 02 69722143. For those wanting to give by bank transfer details are at the bottom of the page.

Building Project Details

Three years ago, the Presbyterian church was informed that the roof could collapse at any moment due to a broken truss unable to support the current roof. Sadly, this meant that there was no option but to move out of the building into rented premises until the problem could be rectified. While the church wants to get back into its building as soon as possible, such repairs are expensive and time consuming to plan and organise.

However, members of the church have worked diligently over this time to prepare a plan for the restoration and revitalisation of our buildings to facilitate the future ministry of the church.

The building works will replace the existing tiles with a Colorbond roof thus taking the load off the trusses and will provide a new structure to support it, the internal brick arch will be repaired and strengthened. The walls will be repaired and drainage on site will be improved so water does not damage the foundations. Air-conditioning will be installed to improve heating and provide summer cooling. The lighting inside the building will be significantly improved.

As the old church hall is no longer usable and unable to be repaired the church building must be made more multifunctional. This has meant replacing the old pews with chairs. This renovated church space can then be used for a wide range of other activities such as group lunches and children’s activities during the week. The back rooms will be made suitable for holding Sunday Schools during services.

The project has now been signed off by all the relevant church authorities, so all that remains for it to start is to find the rest of the money.

The project will approximately $376,000. The church has committed $260,000 of its funds to the project. It is seeking to raise the remaining $116,000 from pew sales, grants, and donations. So far $78,000 of this has been raised leaving $38,000 still to be found. All donations are welcome.

There are other ways to contribute. For those who want to buy pews, there are still a few left to sell. Anyone who would like to assist the development can also help with the many practical matters, such as oiling the floor or transporting new chairs from Melbourne, as well as by donating to the development.

At the same time we should remember that the church is not the building but the gathering of people united around Jesus, so most importantly of all please join with us on Sundays.

For those wishing to give by bank transfer, please use:

    Name:  West Wyalong Presbyterian Church 

    Bank:  Westpac  BSB:    032770 Account:  751755

   Please include a reference of ‘Building’ and your name.