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Witnesses in Christ – Acts

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
121/07/2024The Power to WitnessActs 1:1-26Andrew Cooper Download
Big Idea: God gives us His Spirit so we have the power to witness to the Good News of Jesus and how his death and resurrection grant new life to all those that are around us in our lives.
• The disciples must wait to receive the power to witness when God gives them his gift of the Spirit coming upon them.
• This gift of the Spirit is given so that witness goes not only to the Jews and Samarians but to all peoples across the world to the ends of the earth
• This mission to bring the good news of Jesus to the ends of the earth continues to this day, so as God’s people having the Spirit, we can and must seek to speak of this so that those who have not heard of this have the opportunity to believe.
228/07/2024The Spirit of WitnessActs 2:1-47Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to respond to all that God offers us through Jesus by accepting Him as Lord and turning to God, when we not only receive the forgiveness of sins but also the Holy Spirit that God pours out on us, transforming our lives.
• God pours out His Spirit to bring people to hear the Good News about Jesus and the restored relationship with God that he offers.
• We need to respond to what Jesus has done by turning to God, taking Jesus as our Lord and accepting the forgiveness of sins that Jesus brings when we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
• While not all respond those who do find this transforms our lives and means we become focused on learning about our God together with those who also know Him, while sharing what we have.
304/08/2024Witnesses to ChristActs 3:1-4:31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: What Christ has done to save us must transform our lives so that we receive his mercy and are transformed by the Holy Spirit so that we live witnessing about him.
• God healing miraculously does happen and points people to Christ
• We need to own our responsibility for Christ dying to save us so that we can mercy for all the times reject God and go our own way and restored relationship with God.
• We should prioritise praying together for the kingdom of God to be extended so that we will be filled by the Spirit and witness to all Jesus has done
411/08/2024Witness in TruthActs 4:32-5:16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Just as the early church operated in dependency on the Spirit and in truth, we need to represent the truths of the Gospel by sharing our lives and what we have so that all would know the power of God working in our lives.
• The early believers became one community sharing their lives and possessions
• God rejects those who so desire the things of this world that they deceitfully seek human praise from Christians for giving their all, while withholding things so they can enjoy the world.
• The more we are committed to each other and to Christ, the more that God will work in power so that others will see that He is Lord and commit their lives to Him.
518/08/2024The Priority of WitnessActs 5:17-6:7Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Witness to Christ should be a central priority for our lives because we want others to share in the salvation that we are granted only by God’s mercy shown to us in Jesus dying for us.
• God does things that are humanly impossible to enable people to speak of and witness effectively to Christ.
• The apostles so knew how undeserved their salvation was that they rejoiced when they were flogged and witnessed to Christ at any and every opportunity.
• The apostles accept when things are not right and act to fix them while prioritising witness to Christ
Deuteronomy 21:1-23
Acts 5:17-6:7
625/08/2024Witness at a CostActs 6:4-8:3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to respond to the mercy we receive from God in gratitude by demonstrating our belief in Jesus in our lives even when such witness comes at a cost to us
• Witness to Jesus sometimes brings unpleasant opposition.
• The law written by Moses and the temple look forward to Jesus coming as our Saviour bringing the mercy of God and the gift of His Spirit.
• We need to respond by receiving the forgiveness of God, forgiving others whatever they have done and demonstrating this in our speech and actions, just as Stephen did
701/09/2024Witness in PowerActs 8:3-40Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are called to respond in gratitude, rejoicing at the Good News of Jesus, when God will work in His power to enable us to witness to those around us.
• God acts in power to enable His people to witness to the Good News that Jesus brings so that all may hear of it
• God and what he has done in Jesus must be central to our lives and not ourselves and the honours and things of this world
• We need to respond to the Good News of Jesus in gratitude, rejoicing in all God has done for us.
808/09/2024Transformed to WitnessActs 9:1-31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As we believe and trust in Jesus, we are transformed by His Spirit so we can witness to him dying for us that we might have forgiveness of sins, relationship with God and eternal life.
• Saul believed whether Jesus was the Son of God mattered so God worked to call him from directly opposing His kingdom to believing in Jesus and being transformed by the Spirit.
• Like Ananias who was prepared to risk his life in going to Saul, we should believe God will work in our world today and be open to Him working through us
• Just as people were astonished at the transformation in Saul, so it is in our lives as people see that we have changed because we believe in Jesus
915/09/2024Witness UnleashedActs 9:31-11:19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The Good News of Jesus bringing forgiveness of sins and peace with God is meant for everyone to hear and have opportunity to respond and we need to be a small part of bring it to the ends of the earth.
• The Good News of peace with God and forgiveness of sins because of Jesus dying and rising again brings life for those otherwise facing death.
• God does not show favouritism but wants everyone to have the opportunity to receive this by believing in Jesus, regardless of who they are.
• God demonstrates this by giving the Spirit to the gathering of Gentiles around Cornelius, despite them not following Jewish laws, causing others to start witnessing to the Gentiles

Faith in Action – James

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
102/06/2024Persevere!James 1:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to persevere in our Faith through trials by focusing on the things of God and not material things so that we grow in Him and receive the crown of eternal life
• We must persevere in trials so that we grow in faith and the character of God.
• Possession and money are not things to be proud of but are things that can either be used for the kingdom of God or be a distraction from it.
• It is God who gives us birth, through Jesus the Word of Truth, so that we persevering in Him will receive eternal life.
209/06/2024The Triumph of MercyJames 1:19-2:13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: In Christ mercy triumphs over judgment providing us with salvation so we must respond to this by representing God as we are shown in His Word and showing mercy to those around us, while not being corrupted by the values of this world
• We must be eager to hear and respond to God’s word so that we can represent him in this world, while not being corrupted by it.
• We must not show partiality among the people of God according to the values of this world because God chooses the poor.
• We need mercy as we cannot earn salvation by following the law, so we must show mercy.
316/06/2024Faith in ActionJames 2:14-26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Having a genuine faith in the One True God means that we are developing our relationship with Him while acting in our lives out of gratitude for the mercy he brings us through Jesus.
• Having a faith must lead us to act out of the mercy God provides for us.
• Just believing that God exists as a fact without developing a relationship with him that changes our lives does not save us.
• Our deeds are a response of gratitude to the undeserved mercy that God gives us prompted by His Spirit.
423/06/2024Taming the TongueJames 3:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Our gratitude to God for all that he has done for us in showing mercy Jesus can and should be reflected in how we speak to others as we can speak out of the security of having peace with God.
• What we say can destroy relationships, curse others and diminish God’s kingdom.
• As the people of God we need to reflect His character in how we speak rather than speaking from our own selfish ambitions.
• If we speak in peace from the security of knowing the peace that Jesus brings, we can represent our God causing His kingdom to grow.
530/06/2024Grace!James 4:1-12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: To relate to our brothers and sisters in Christ in a God-hnouring way, we need to draw near to God and recognize how much we need his undeserved mercy, so that we receive his grace and are transformed by His Spirit.
• There is disunity and quarrels in the church because we love the world more than we love God.
• If we come near to God, rather than hold on to our pride, God promises to grant us the grace that we need to see us through trouble.
• We draw near to God by humbling admitting that, while we do not deserve it, we need the mercy that Christ brings us by dying that we might join him in new life.
607/07/2024Fragile LivesJames 4:13-5:12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God is in control of our lives, so we need to represent Him in the good times out of gratitude and persevere through the tough times being prepared to suffer for him so we can enjoy eternity when Jesus returns.
• It is God who is in control not us and our speech and lives should reflect this
• For people who live in luxury at others expense, they need to admit this and turn from all they have done wrong to God
• As the people of God we need to persevere in tough times, maturing in Jesus through them looking forward to his return.
714/07/2024Relationship with GodJames 5:13-20Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Our lives should be centred around our God and the forgiveness and relationship he offers through Christ and this means making every effort to be a part of His people sharing and encouraging each other in following Jesus.
• We need to seek to God both by seeking to relate to know Him better in the difficult times and by praising Him in the good times.
• Our relationship with God should be as a part of His people that we gather with to confess our need for forgiveness and to expect together for Our God to act in answer to our prayers.
• We need to prioritise encouraging others to follow our God so that they like us are saved from death because Jesus covers over the multitude of our sins.

Grace in the Past, Grace Now and Grace in the Future – Deuteronomy

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
107/04/2024Go Forward in FaithDeuteronomy 1-3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God deals in grace with our failures treating us as children and providing for and disciplining us so need to respond in faith seeking to follow him.
• The Israelites had failed in the past to trust in their God and take the land, meaning God made them wander for 40 years in the desert
• God provided for them in the desert showing his care and had demonstrated what others could do by trusting in Him before getting them to face battles
• Moses challenges the Israelites to trust in the Lord as they go into the land just as we need to trust in God in our lives because of Jesus
214/04/2024RememberDeuteronomy 4Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We must remember God and His mercy and live out of relationship with Him, representing Him to this world.
• The Israelites were told to hear – to listen and follow God’s Word instructing them in how to relate to Him just as we should do.
• The Israelites, just as we should, were to remember their God and not forget about Him or put Him aside for other things as otherwise they would experience the consequences of living outside of relationship with their God.
• The people of God always have the opportunity to return to their God, even after rejecting Him, because of His mercy that we see in Jesus being sent to live and die for us.
321/04/2024Written on our HeartsDeuteronomy 4Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to live centred around the Lord our God, loving Him and therefore loving our neighbours, but we can only do this because of God’s grace shown in Jesus dying for us and because He writes His Law on our hearts.
• The Lord is our God – if we believe Jesus really died for us, we need to live our lives accordingly in gratitude toward Him.
• Our God teaches us how to live lovingly in relationship with Him and with our neighbours
• Because of our failures to live this out God needs to send Jesus to redeem us and to write His commands on our hearts by His Spirit
428/04/2024Living in FaithDeuteronomy 7 to 11Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to remove from our lives all that pulls us away from God, as He overlooks our sin by sending Jesus so we need to prioritise Him.
• We are to remove from our lives all that pulls us away from God and build our relationships so that we are encouraged to worship God and can work to encourage others to do the same.
• God does not make us His people because of our righteousness, but because he overlooks our sin as Jesus dies in our place
• We therefore need to respond from our hearts by prioritising God in our lives making our relationship with Him central
505/05/2024How to WorshipDeuteronomy 12 to 18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to gather together to learn about Jesus and celebrate all that he has done for us.
• We must gather together to rejoice in and celebrate all God has done for us in Jesus
• Committed giving to allow full-time workers and to support the poor is a necessary part of worship
• Jesus is the prophet speaking God’s word to us directly that we requested and the king that Moses sent so we should delight in all that he has done for us.
612/05/2024Justice and MercyDeuteronomy 19 to 26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God’s mercy that he shows to us in Jesus dying to atone for all the times we forget, reject or ignore Him must cause us to live seeking justice for those who live with us while showing mercy in our individual dealings with others.
• The people of God need to live taking responsibility as a community for the sin among them and bringing true justice
• These laws look forward to Jesus dying as an innocent man providing us with atonement for sin.
• God’s mercy shown to His people in Jesus bringing us freedom from sin must be reflected in our lives, especially showing mercy to the poor and needy in the land so that we will be made holy
719/05/2024Life or DeathDeuteronomy 27 to 30Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God makes himself known through His Word so that we, as His people, can live out of what Jesus has done and choose life rather than death.
• As the people of God we need to know and follow His Word.
• If we live in relationship with God we will receive his favour, otherwise we will face trouble.
• The choice to believe in Jesus, and follow him as the Word of God, is a choice between life and death.
826/05/2024The Redemption of GodDeuteronomy 27 to 30Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God’s redemption is not something His people attain by following rules, but something that is offered to them free because of Jesus paying the price for us.
• It is God and not human leaders that destroy his people’s enemies and grants them favour so His people need to commit to their relationship with Him, making every effort to know Him.
• God’s people fail to live up to God’s standard and cannot obtain salvation by following the law, but when they fail they are always welcome to go back to Him to receive forgiveness and salvation.
• Moses does not enter the land as he, like the rest of God’s people, falls short and only looks forward to Jesus, the one who provides atonement for sins and leads God’s people into the real promised land.

The Mercy of God – Jonah

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
117/03/2024The Salvation of GodJonah 1Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Our God is a God of salvation that is shown through the mercy that Jesus brings and we can know this even when we are suffering the storms of life and struggling in our relationship with God.
• While there may be storms in life and we may struggle and suffer in them, God is in control of these and will use them for our good
• God wants to bring salvation and can and will use us even when we are struggling to follow him or like Jonah running away to represent him so that others will come to know Him.
• Jesus died to bring us mercy and that means that we can know God’s salvation even when we are struggling with following God and even like Jonah deliberately disobeying him.
224/03/2024Called to ReturnJonah 1:14-3:3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God looks after His people even when they reject Him and calls them to return to Him because of the undeserved mercy that Jesus brings, so we should respond in gratitude celebrating this and looking to receive more of His mercy and grace.
• God provides a miraculous salvation for Jonah even when he is fleeing from God that looks forward to the salvation that Jesus brings and shows how God treats us even when we reject him.
• Real life is found in knowing and living out our relationship with God – when we reject this we are seeking death.
• Given God calls us to Him and provides us with grace and mercy we need to respond in gratitude celebrating this.
329/03/2024Turn To GodJonah 2:8-3:10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God grants us a mercy and a forgiveness for sins that we do not deserve so we should come to him humbly with our focus on what he has done for us not ourselves.
• It is God working in people’s lives that causes people to hear His call.
• God offers us a salvation and forgiveness that we do not deserve.
• We need to respond humbly focusing with gratitude on what He has done for us and not ourselves.
431/03/2024The Mercy of GodJonah 3:9-4:11Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The mercy of God should be central to our lives so that we should we should speak of the new life that Jesus gives us and encourage us to come to Christ and encourage others to share in the eternal life that those who receive God’s mercy receive.
• God does offer us mercy despite us not deserving it
• God wants to grant all people mercy and is patient to give more the opportunity to turn to him and be saved
• We should respond to this by appreciating his mercy and showing our gratitude by showing it to others so they might share in eternity along with us.

The Gathering – 1 Corinthians 11 to 16

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
107/01/2024When We Gather1 Corinthians 11:1-34Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When we gather we need to reflect our unity around Christ by following his teachings and loving one another, while seeking to be appropriate and welcoming to outsiders.
• We need to be dependent on the teachings of Christ that are in the Scriptures for what is and is not allowed in the gathering of the people of God.
• We must judge for ourselves what is appropriate in gatherings given the norms of the society of the day, for both those who regularly and for any outsiders who come
• We must love and care for one another and especially the disadvantages rather than care about our own honour as otherwise God will bring judgment on us.
214/01/2024One Body1 Corinthians 12:1-31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are all part of one people centred around Jesus and each one of us are given gifts by the one Holy Spirit that need to be used to support each other and build each other us.
• There are miraculous spiritual gifts and we should have far higher expectations of our God acting in such ways in the world today and reflect them in how we act when we gather.
• The gifts of the Spirit are given so that they can be used in service out of love for and for the good of all God’s people.
• We are all given spiritual gifts to use them for each other but these include practical and administrative gifts that are incredibly important in contributing to each other
321/01/2024The Greatest is Love1 Corinthians 12:28-13;13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As Christians we have to love with a costly love that endures even through being wronged just like Jesus who because of this love went to the cross to die that we might live.
• Anything we do without love counts for nothing
• Genuine love endures anything because it is not self-centred but cares for the other person.
• Spiritual gifts will go but love faith and hope will remain of which the greatest of these is love.
404/02/2024The Gathering1 Corinthians 14:1-40Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is important that we gather together as God’s people for the express purpose of building each other up and strengthening each other in Christ and therefore our use of our gifts must reflect the priority of others.
• Spiritual Gifts do exist but are to be used out of love to build up the church
• Our words and actions in church must be intelligible to both insiders and outsiders, so that people will have God revealed to them.
• Our gatherings must be orderly because our God is a God of Peace
528/01/2024Raised with Christ1 Corinthians 15:1-34Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is because of Jesus being raised that we have a certain hope of being raised with him into God’s kingdom, but if we truly believe and want this we need to respond out of gratitude for the grace God gives us.
• The Good News by which we are saved by holding firmly to Christ is that he died for our sins and was raised according to the Scriptures
• Like Paul none of us deserve the salvation the Jesus brings and so if we truly believe we will respond to God’s grace out of gratitude by serving and giving to him
• We have a certain hope because the resurrection is real and therefore we will be raised with Jesus into his kingdom.
611/02/2024Death has lost its Sting1 Corinthians 15:35-58Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As God raises us from the dead and gives us spiritual bodies we need to respond in gratitude to the victory he grants us through Jesus and live prioritising God
• God raises us, giving us a spiritual body as he is determined
• It is through Jesus that we have victory over God and redeemed relationship with him.
• We need to prioritise working for God as we know this is not in vain.
718/02/2024Giving of Ourselves1 Corinthians 15:58-16:24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As Jesus in his grace died that we might live with him we need to commit ourselves to giving financially, to each other in love and to serving.
• We need to commit ourselves to giving financially
• We need to commit ourselves to each other doing everything in love
• Rather than seek honour ourselves we need to commit ourselves to serving and give honour to those who do serve

Remain in My Love – John 12 to 17

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
126/11/2023Don't be A KilljoyJohn 12:1-50Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should respond to Jesus dying to give us life and rising again by enjoying all the good things of this world but prioritising serving our God and representing Him and His values in it.
• Jesus is anointed as our king
• Jesus chose to give up his life so that we might live
• We are judged by how we respond to Jesus and his words
203/12/2023Love One AnotherJohn 13:1-38Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus loving and serving us by dying on the cross so that we might live must inspire us to come to him to receive an undeserved salvation and to love each other as his people.
• We need to be cleansed and go on being cleansed by Jesus from our sins – all the times we go our way.
• We need to come to Jesus to receive his salvation – a salvation that we cannot earn and do not deserve.
• We need to respond by loving one another as the people of God and this means we need to gather so that we get to know each other.
310/12/2023Trust in MeJohn 14:1-31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus dying on the cross and rising again provides us with the opportunity to have relationship with God and to receive His Spirit by trusting in Jesus and following him.
• We must trust in God and all that Jesus has done through dying and rising from the dead so that we might share in his resurrection.
• The way to live life to the full and to be able to look forward to eternal life is through following Jesus.
• God gives us His Spirit to live with and in us guide us in following Him
417/12/2023Remain in MeJohn 15:1-27Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is only in remaining in Jesus and his love by loving each other that we have real joy coming from sharing in building his kingdom
• We must remain in Jesus so we bear fruit – apart from him we can do nothing
• We are called to love each other as Jesus loved us by laying down his life for us
• The world rejected Jesus, so we must be prepared for it to reject us
524/12/2023We are not AloneJohn 15:26-16:33Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus sends us the Spirit so that we are not alone but have help in relating to God and knowing the peace that Jesus brings.
• Jesus, now he is with the Father, sends us the Spirit
• The Spirit brings judgment on the world as the world does not recognize Jesus as the Son who conquers evil and death
• The Spirit guides us into all truth
631/12/2023Bringing God GloryJohn 17:1-26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As God’s people we must be united around Jesus, even when it means we stand out from the world, so that we bring him glory.
• God will work through his people bringing life and hope to display his glory
• God’s people are separate from the world because they know Jesus but are to remain in the world displaying the values of God’s kingdom
• God’s people must be unified around Jesus, loving each other, to do this.

A Saviour is Born – Christmas Day Service

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
112/25/2023A Saviour is BornLuke 2:1-35Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: At Christmas we should celebrate with joy Jesus, our Saviour being born and look forward to his return.

Wait for the Lord – Zephaniah

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
105/11/2023A Complete EndZephaniah 1:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God will bring Judgment on the Day Jesus returns so that his people will be able to live rightly along with Him.
• Just as Israel faced judgment from God, we as His people should expect to see His judgment on earth
• The reason there is a need for judgment as well as death and suffering is our sin – all the times we go our way and not God’s.
• As God’s people we have received mercy through Jesus but this must not make us complacent instead highlighting our need to set Him as the top priority in our lives and live accordingly
212/11/2023Seek the LordZephaniah 2:1-15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Our focus should be not on ourselves but on the righteousness that God gives us through Jesus dying for us and this should keep us humble and seeking to become more humble, while looking to serve God.
• Those who care about God and want to experience his salvation must stay humble
• While God does judge His people so that they humbly represent his values, he also judges and destroys their enemies giving what they had to His people
• Pride leads to a focus on oneself and rejecting God and therefore ultimately to disaster.
319/11/2023Rejoice!Zephaniah3:1-20Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God gives us a wonderful salvation in Jesus that we do not deserve so we should rejoice and shout about it.
• God disciplines His people in love so that they will seek Him
• Our God provides not only forgiveness through Jesus but also gives us His Spirit to purify us from our sin.
• We should rejoice and celebrate our God saving us.

The Need for God’s Grace – Nehemiah

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
120/08/2023The Favour of GodNehemiah 1:1 - 2:10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is not what we do, but God’s grace and favour that provides for us what we need now, success in what we seek to do and most importantly a place in his kingdom for eternity that all who faithfully follow Jesus are assured of receiving.
• God’s people should expect to face opposition and persecution and this can and does even occur when they are following God faithfully.
• When we face trouble and issues, we need to be honest before God about ourselves and our need for him and commit ourselves to following him faithfully.
• It is God’s grace and favour that we his people need both now and eternally, however Jesus dying so that we might live gives us assurance of this.
227/08/2023Persevere TogetherNehemiah 2:8-4:23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As Christians we should expect to face opposition as we seek to be true to God, yet when we face this we need to be united in prioritising God and supporting each other as we persevere in following Christ so that we grow in the hope that he gives us.
• There is a clear divide between those who believe in Jesus and are God’s people so receiving his grace and favour and those who reject him.
• As God’s people we need to be united in prioritising God and loving one another over the things of this world.
• We need to persevere in following Jesus, even when it is tough, so that we grow in representing God’s character and know more of the hope that Jesus brings
303/09/2023The People of GodNehemiah 5:1-19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As the people of God we have to support and encourage each other, learning to love each other following in the example of our Lord Jesus who loves us and chose to die so that we might live
• As Christians we should desire justice especially for the poor and needy and work towards achieving this in a righteous fashion when possible.
• As followers of Christ and members of God’s gathering we need to love each other and therefore prioritise encouraging each other in serving God and supporting each other.
• At times this love of others should mean that not only do we at times need to serve without prospect of reward but also that we give up things we have a right to take, copying our Lord who died for us.
410/09/2023Facing TemptationNehemiah 6:1-7:73Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When facing troubles and temptations we must be faithful to God and follow Jesus even when it is hard
• When we face difficulties we need to rely on God to give us strength rather than depend on our own.
• When we are tempted we must be prepared to follow Jesus’ example in going to the cross and take the difficult path to be faithful to God
• When faced with disunity among God’s people, we need to avoid the temptation to duck confronting this and work towards unity so our gathering represents Jesus to this world.
517/09/2023A Fresh StartNehemiah 8:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As members of the people of God, we must be keen to listen attentively to and understand the Word of God so that we can celebrate our relationship with God through Jesus and respond by representing him in this world.
• We must be keen to listen attentively to and understand the Word of God
• We should celebrate knowing God and our increasing relationship with Him that Jesus brings through dying on the cross and understanding scripture should add to
• We need to respond to the Word of God allowing it to change how we live so we can represent our God better
624/09/2023The Need for GraceNehemiah 9:1-10:39Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As God’s people we need His grace and mercy that he shows us in Jesus for all the times and ways we fall short and so we need to respond by committing ourselves to prioritise following Him as active members of His people.
• We must acknowledge truthfully the areas we fall short and seek God to enable us to change.
• God is gracious and compassionate and wants to show His love to His people despite their and our behaviour and shows that in Jesus dying for us.
• We need to respond to this love by committing our lives to Him so we can receive His provision for us.
729/10/2023FailureNehemiah 11:1-13:31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Rules and legislation cannot save, but only the mercy of God shown through Jesus.
• God’s people must prioritise the worship of God and commit money and time towards it so they are encouraged to follow their God
• The failure of the rules and legislation to save the Israelites and enable them to prioritise God shows how much we need the mercy of God shown in Jesus
• While we do not live by rules and regulations but under grace, the commitment of the Israelites under the law to the worship of God should challenge us as we respond to God’s grace by prioritising him.

The One Who God Sent – John 5 to 11

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
109/07/2023The Gift of LifeJohn 5Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to come to Jesus and give him honour by living for him because only in him does Go give us life.
• Jesus brings life just as God brings life
• We need to respond to Jesus and give him honour in our lives as otherwise we will face judgment as we have rejected the one God has sent
• Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are written to testify to Jesus so that we will believe in the one God has sent
216/07/2023The Bread of LifeJohn 6Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus provides all that we need for us to possess eternal life, but we need to respond by coming to him in trust and acting out of it, however hard this is at times.
• Jesus is the Saviour – the One God has sent
• Jesus as the Bread of Life provides all that we need for us to possess eternal life.
• We need to respond by believing and taking all that Jesus offers however hard our this is at times
323/07/2023Dwelling Among UsJohn 7:1-8:59Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: For those who believe in Jesus, God gives us His Spirit and the right to be children of God, but those who do not believe dishonour God and will face the consequences.
• We need to respond to Jesus by trusting and believing him and all he has done through dying for us on the cross as that is the way to know God
• For those who do believe Jesus gives the Spirit so that God dwells with and in us, providing streams of living water.
• Jesus is the light of the world setting us free from our sin and allowing us to return to God as members of His family – His children.
430/07/2023The Blind SeeJohn 9:1-41Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Only in Jesus do we have forgiveness and the ability to know and relate to God, so we need our lives to reflect that we believe in him and have taken him as our Lord.
• It is Jesus as the light of the world who enables us to know and relate to God
• Jesus divides people into those reject him and those who respond to him in belief
• Some decide to go their own way and reject the forgiveness that Jesus offers when they will face the judgment of God
506/08/2023The Good ShepherdJohn 10:1-42Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As the one God has sent Jesus calls us to know and follow him – we need to respond positively to this when we have the assurance we will inherit eternal life as no one can snatch us from his hand.
• Jesus as the good shepherd is the one we need to listen to and follow if we want to receive eternal life.
• Jesus is not simply a good teacher - we need to either respond to Jesus by either rejecting him as a lunatic or devil or accepting him as the son of God who died that we can live.
• Because we believe in Jesus and choose to follow him, we cannot lose our salvation because Jesus and his Father are one and no-one can snatch us from their hand
613/08/2023ResurrectionJohn 11:1-57Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus brings God glory by as our saviour dying for us before rising to new life so that we might share in his resurrection that brings us eternal life.
• Jesus is the expected saviour that brings life to all that believe in him.
• We see the glory of God in the resurrection of the dead and the gift of eternal life.
• Jesus died to cleanse us from our sin – all the times we go our own way and reject or ignore God – so that we might live.

God’s Plans – Genesis 37 to 50

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
118/06/2023Redeeming the LowestGenesis 37 - 39Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God redeems us in Jesus not because we deserve it but because he loves us so we should expect God to work in the situation we are in and represent him there.
• When we are self-centred and ignore or hurt those around us, people suffer
• God brings redemption through people that humanly we would not choose.
• God can work through the most unexpected means to bring redemption however bad the situation so we should live hoping and praying for his favour in the situation we are in.
225/06/2023God's PlanGenesis 40-46Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God always has plans that will come to pass, plans to save, transform and provide for us because He loves us as we see in Jesus dying for us.
• God can and provide for us far more than we expect or deserve but often does so in the situation we are in and in ways that we do not expect
• God transforms His people to represent His values and character more and more
• God’s plans always come to pass with and despite man’s actions as we see in Jesus dying for us.
302/07/2023God's PeopleGenesis 47-50Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Being a part of God’s people due to Jesus dying so that we might live should be the most important thing in who we are.
• God provides for his people and looks after them through all different events.
• We can and must trust God’s promises for us that we can look forward to a country to come – a heavenly country – and therefore consider ourselves as strangers here.
• We need to live as God’s people with Jesus as our king because he died and rose again so we might live.
Romans Hebrews 11:1-22
Genesis 49:29-33 & 50:12-26

Conflict and Community – 1 Corinthians 1 to 10

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
130/04/2023The Wisdom of God1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5Andrew CooperDownload
Title: The Wisdom of God
Big Idea: In the wisdom of God he sent Jesus to live among us and die for us that we might be saved so we should choose to respond by living centred around the grace and mercy of Jesus rather than the things of this world.
• Those who are saved by the grace and mercy of Jesus are called to be holy
• The wisdom of God is Christ crucified however foolish this seems to the world
• We should know Jesus Christ and him crucified and boast in that alone
207/05/2023God Revealed1 Corinthians 2:6 - 3:23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Real Wisdom comes from having the Spirit of God and means valuing the character of God and the values of His kingdom over the things of this world
• Only the Spirit of God reveals to us and enables us to understand the wisdom of God
• It is easy to overly value the things that the world values and have this stop us growing in our faith and properly contributing to the gathering of God’s people in beneficial ways
• We together as the people of God are God’s temple in which God lives by His Spirit – that is what it means to be of Christ.
314/05/2023Living in Christ1 Corinthians 4:1-21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As we have received a salvation that we do not deserve through Jesus dying for us, we must live in Christ, being prepared to suffer and sometimes do the hard things to proclaim his kingdom.
• We should live not worried about men’s judgment but looking forward to receiving praise when Jesus returns
• We should not be comparing ourselves or others with men but using what we have for Jesus in whatever way we can because we have received salvation only through Jesus dying for us.
• It is living for Jesus and following him even when it is costly that shows God’s power in our lives.
421/05/2023Bought at a Price1 Corinthians 5:1-6:20Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are bought at a price by Jesus dying for us so we should make every effort use our bodies and lives to live for the kingdom we will inherit, encouraging others to do the same.
• Certain types of behaviour are totally unacceptable in the gathering of believers and should cause significant sorrow and anguish to those who believe.
• While at times offenders have to be put out of fellowship for both theirs and the gatherings own good, such an action must not be done out of pride or self-righteousness but out of a sincere desire to save the individual.
• As we are bought at a price we need to live for Jesus being careful not to commit sexual immorality and seeking to keep unity around Christ among the gathering, even when this is costly.
528/05/2023Devoted to Jesus1 Corinthians 7:1-40Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to live as people that are bought at a price by Jesus and therefore are devoted to God expressing this in our attitudes to the world and especially our choices about relationships.
• Paul affirms both singleness and marriage
• Christians should stay in marriage unless the other partner walks away especially as the one Christian brings the whole family under God’s protection enabling the children to be raised as belonging to Him.
• Paul’s concern is that people live with their lives devoted to God in all matters and is strongly supporting his preference for singleness to stop people jumping into ill-considered relationships.
604/06/2023Knowledge Puffs Up1 Corinthians 8:1-13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Rather than using our knowledge of the freedom that Christ dying gives us for our own benefit we need to respond in love for God and His people by using this freedom and all we have to grow His kingdom.
• It is not knowledge that is important or ultimately helpful but love of God in response to His love to us shows that we are His people.
• Belonging to God does not come from a theoretical knowledge of facts and God’s commands of what he wants us to do but a response to His love for us shown in Jesus of loving Him and acting out of this love.
• Our priorities should not be our personal convenience and desires but building up God’s kingdom, so we need to prioritise loving our brothers and sisters in Christ and acting out of that.
711/06/2023Prioritising Christ1 Corinthians 9:1-11:1Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should seek to use our lives to glorify God and that means exercising our freedoms to imitate Christ and seek to win others to his Kingdom
• As Christians we have freedoms and rights
• We should use these freedoms and rights to win others to the Good News of Jesus while making sure of our own salvation
• We do this by noting the example of the past and others around us imitating them as they imitate Jesus

Bringing Transformation – John 18 to 21

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
126/03/2023For UsJohn 18:1-27Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus chooses to go to the cross and die for us so that the curse that comes from us choosing to go our own way will be lifted and we have the certainty that comes from trusting in and following him of being transformed transformed so that we inherit eternal life.
• Jesus promises that he will not lose one of those that choose to trust in him and follow him
• Jesus dies to take the wrath of God from his people so that we can live along with him
• It is because we like Peter do not deserve salvation that we can trust Jesus, focus on him and trust him to transform us and bring us into eternal life.
202/04/2023The KingJohn 18:28-19:19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus coming as a King to die for his people demands that we prioritise learning about and following him as members of his kingdom and do not avoid the hard choices that these priorities bring.
• Jesus is the king but his kingdom is not of this world
• It is in Jesus that we find truth – we avoid this at our peril
• We have to decide whether Jesus is our king or our priority is chasing the priorities of this world and this choice should dictate our actions.
307/04/2023He Died For UsJohn 19:16-37Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It was according to God’s plan that Jesus died as our king for all the times that we go our own way so that we might believe in him and live.
• Jesus went to the cross to be crucified as the king of God’s people
• .This and the many of the things that happened at the cross were fulfilments of Scripture demonstrating that this was according to God’s plan
• God sent Jesus to the cross for all we do wrong so that we might respond by believing in him and taking the gift he offers of new life and peace with God
409/04/2023New LifeJohn 19:38-20:31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus dying so that all those who believe in him might live in peace with God for eternity demands a response of living representing him and his values showing his Lordship over our lives.
• Jesus dying is not the end but the beginning of restored relationship with God as His sons and daughters
• .Jesus died to bring peace with God, the Holy Spirt and forgiveness of sins for all those who believe in him
• We should respond to Jesus bringing us into God’s family by like Thomas worshipping him as “My Lord and My God”.
516/04/2023Follow MeJohn 21:1-25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus provides for us especially on the cross where he dies for us but also in our day to day lives so we need to respond to his call to follow him, by living out the values of God’s kingdom in our lives and taking every opportunity to learn more of him.
• Without God providing we will not have anything, but with him working for us we can achieve immeasurably more than we think is possible.
• Jesus wants those who are his people to grow up and disciples in the values of his kingdom and instructs Peter accordingly
• We should respond by following Jesus being focused on how we with our skills can serve him.

Who can stand before the Lord – Nahum

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
112/03/2023A Holy and Avenging GodNahum 1:1-15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus will return and that will bring God’s kingdom in this world but also destruction for God’s enemies so we should live now celebrating that we are among God’s people.
• Our God is slow to anger but you do not want to face His wrath
• The destruction of God’s enemies needs to happen so that we can enjoy a place where everyone lives by God’s values
• We should gather to celebrate God and use what we have for Him while we wait patiently for Jesus’ return
219/03/2023Restoration and JudgmentNahum 2:1-3:19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God promises judgment for His enemies but restoration for His people and shows the power to do this so we should trust in our restored relationship with Him that we have received through Jesus.
• God will bring restoration for his people and has already restored our relationship with Him through Jesus
• God promises total destruction for Nineveh as it had rejected his call and become more and more cruel and opposed to him.
• God’s total destruction of Nineveh demonstrates He has the power to bring about final judgment but also restoration.

God’s Promises – Genesis 12 to 36

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
108/01/2023The Promises of GodGenesis 12:1-14:24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We must respond to God by trusting in his promises both in the good times and in the tough times and all that he has done for us in Jesus and choosing to seek to live for him
• God promises to protect and bless Abraham and the people coming from him, to protect them and to bless other through the line of Abraham
• We can and must trust God both when we are faithful to him but also when we fall short and make mistakes because of Jesus dying so that we might live.
• Our possessions are given to us by God so we should use them to worship him and trust him with them
222/01/2023Struggling to TrustGenesis 15:1-18:15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: In Jesus God shows us mercy so we are forgiven for our failings and struggles to trust, saved by trusting in Jesus and his righteousness and enabled to live out our faith in our lives
• We are saved by trusting in Jesus and what he does for us and not our own righteousness
• We will struggle at times to live out of our relationship with God
• God knows we will struggle, accepts us with our failings, and enables us to trust him
329/01/2023Facing ConsequencesGenesis 18:16-19:38Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: While we do face consequences for our actions, God wants to redeem us and those around us, so we can and should come before Him trusting in His mercy for ourselves and asking for it for those we know.
• God wants us to ask for those around us to come to him to receive mercy because he wants to save them
• God does bring judgment for our sins, but when we face consequences for our mistakes we should remember He will save us because we like Lot believe in Him and so are credited with Jesus’ righteousness
• God can and does redeem our mistakes to contribute to His kingdom
405/02/2023God ProvidesGenesis 20:1-22:19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God provides for us in all that we need and particularly providing eternal life for us but he also expects us to respond to him and will test our faith so we know that He is Lord
• At times we struggle to trust God with our daily lives and may go our own way because of this
• God in His grace provides all that we need and more despite our failings
• God will ask us to demonstrate our faith so we know how much he provides by Jesus dying for us.
512/02/2023Responding in TrustGenesis 22:20-25:18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Having seen God fulfil his promises in providing a son to Sarah when it seemed impossible, Abraham then responded by trusting God’s promises and living out of that trust just as we who have seen the salvation Jesus provides should.
• Abraham trusting that God’s promises that the land will belong to his descendants, buys a tomb so that his wife Sarah and later he can be buried in this land.
• Abraham not wanting his son Isaac to be corrupted and a part of the people of the land trusts God to provide him with a suitable bride from the place he came from and encourages his servant to also trust in his God
• His servant responds in faith asking God for success and seeing God provide as Abraham said he would.
619/02/2023What MattersGenesis 25:19-27:41Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is God’s Blessing and Mercy that matter in our lives and not what the world provides as God is in control, so we should live acknowledging and reflecting that.
• God is in control even when things seem to us unexplainable and scary
• God’s blessing is on Isaac, on the son of God’s choice and God’s people today because Jesus died that we might be credited his righteousness
• We need to know what really matters and not chase after the things and praise of this world
726/02/2023Meeting GodGenesis 27:41-30:43Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God wants us to represent Him, so when he offers us friendship and blessing we need to respond by committing ourselves to Him to the extent that we will accept his discipline, because we know he loves us and has shown this by His son dying for us.
• When we do things wrong, even though we know God and his love, we are likely to face consequences for our actions
• It is knowing and having friendship with God that matters and when we meet him we need to respond by committing ourselves to following Him.
• God will provide for us, but in providing for us he will also discipline us, making our lives less comfortable, so that we grow in representing his character.
805/03/2023Facing GodGenesis 31:1-37:1Andrew CooperDownload
• It is God’s favour that matters as God brings both blessing and judgment.
• We should hold fast to God and His promises seeking His blessing because in Jesus he grants us mercy and a relationship with Him that we do not deserve.
• God does not promise that everything will be good times and as we want it, but we need to trust Him in the hard times and respond to the certain hope of our salvation by seeking to follow Him
Romans 8:18-39
Genesis 32:9-31

Children of God – John’s Gospel

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
120/11/2022He Dwelt Among UsJohn 1:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus, the very Word of God, became flesh that we might have the right to become children of God
• The Word was with God and was God taking part in the creation of the world
• The Word became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ
• Jesus’ coming brings grace and truth that for those who receive it means they become children of God
227/11/2022The Lamb of GodJohn 1:19-51Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: If we truly know Jesus we should be so excited about our relationship with him that we cannot help speaking about it to others.
• John the Baptist testifies to Jesus as the one who saves the World by taking away our sin
• Jesus as the Son of God comes to provide us with new life and pour out God’s Spirit on us
• The disciples are so excited when they meet Jesus they cannot help talking and proclaiming it so that others know
304/12/2022The BestJohn 2:1-12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God provides the best for us and we can look forward to more in His Kingdom so we should respond in faith to all that Jesus provides for us.
• Sometimes God’s agenda is not ours and we have to respond to His answer to our requests in faith
• God provides the best for his people now looking forward to the world to come
• God reveals himself in this world through Jesus so people will see his glory and put their faith in him
411/12/2022True WorshipJohn 2:13-25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As children of God we should be excited about gathering together around Jesus and worshipping Him as we look forward to doing this in eternity.
• True worship is not about conveniently following rules but enjoying relationship with God
• Jesus replaces the temple as the point where God’s presence is on the earth looking forward to the Spirit being among and in God’s people.
• It is because we are not worthy of ourselves to enter the eternal kingdom that we should be excited to gather around Jesus now.
518/12/2022Born of the SpiritJohn 3:1-36Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God gave his only Son so that we might be born of the Spirit and grow in being more and more centred around Jesus so that we might have eternal life
• To be saved we must be born of the Spirit so we will be transformed to live for Jesus
• God gave his only Son that we might have eternal life
• This demands a response of us becoming less centred on our desires and more and more centred around Jesus in our lives
601/01/2023Living WaterJohn 4:1-42Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus coming provides us with God’s Spirit enabling us to respond to him by worshipping in Spirit and Truth which should mean our lives tell of what God has done to those around us
• Jesus provides us with living water that enables us to live for God and receive eternal life
• We must respond by worshipping in Spirit and Truth
• We should be excited about all that God gives us in Jesus so that this is expressed in our life representing him to others
715/01/2023The Life ChangerJohn 4:27-5:13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When we hear of Jesus and see God act in mercy to us because of him, we must respond changing our lives so that the excitement of our renewed relationship with God and certain expectation of eternal life shows to others.
• Coming to know Jesus as your Saviour should change your life
• We should respond by being so excited about him giving us eternal life and restoring relationship with God that it is obvious in our lives for others to see.
• Not all that see or hear of God comes to follow Him and those that do not face ultimately eternal destruction

Christmas Day – Children of God

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12022-12-25 00:00:00Children of GodJohn 1 v1-14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: At Christmas when we are enjoying family or receiving presents we should remember that this is celebrating the birth of Jesus who gives to those who believe in him the right to be children of God.


Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12022-11-13 00:00:00EvangelismMatthew 28:16-20,
Romans 10:1-17
Steve WhiteDownload
Big Idea: If we truly love those around us we must seek to take every opportunity to share the hope we have in Christ, so that they will share with us in eternal life rather than face judgment.

Live – Ezekiel

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
124/07/2022SpeakEzekiel 1:1 to 3:27Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We must choose to follow God and communicate of him to those around us so that they can hear of the mercy and salvation that Jesus brings and have the opportunity to respond.
• God reveals himself to us so that we will follow his word and others will hear of Him through us.
• We and those around need Jesus – the mercy of God – because go our own way, ignoring, rejecting and rebelling against God.
• If in the strength and power of the Spirit we tell others of their need for Jesus we will be saved – how they respond is up to them.
231/07/2022Hope amidst DespairEzekiel 4:1 to 11:25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Despair and disaster happen in this world but should push us to reflect on the hope that Jesus brings by dying for us to give us life.
• God is going to bring disaster on Jerusalem because of the Israelites making created things more important than the creator
• The judgment will be worse than they ever imagined, because God will totally destroy Jerusalem including the temple built for him, but because of this people will know that He is God.
• For the Israelites who remain this looks forward to a new covenant and the hope of restoration – a hope we see fulfilled in Jesus
307/08/2022Who Do You Listen To?Ezekiel 12:1 to 18:32Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to listen to God rather than the voices of this world so that we will live
• The truth is not always what we want to hear but the reality of life can often force us to face it.
• There will always be voices keen to tell us what we want to hear so we run after the things of this world
• God asks us to turn from the things of this world to him to live in Christ
421/08/2022Turn to MeEzekiel 19:1 to 24:27Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God brings judgment and hard times because he wants us to turn to Him and live
• Sometimes reality makes us very uncomfortable and we do not want to face it
• God will bring judgment when we chase after the things of the world rather than setting aside time to get to know and learn about him
• It is in turning to God that we find life
504/09/2022Judgment or GraceEzekiel 25:1 to 32:32Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Either we rely on ourselves and in our pride live for this world or we rely on God and the grace He gives us in Jesus and live for his kingdom
• God is sovereign over all people and nations and can use who and what he chooses to bring judgment on others
• Being proud and focused on ourselves rather than admitting our dependence on God will bring the judgment of God on us
• To avoid this we need to acknowledge and celebrate regularly all God gives us in Jesus
628/08/2022The Game ChangerEzekiel 33:1 to 34:31Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We must turn to God and treat him as our King, so we can enjoy the kingdom that Jesus brings.
• Ezekiel must call Israel to turn to God, even though he will not be listened to
• When Ezekiel is proved right, then people listen to him but are also like us called to respond
• God will provide his own leader in Jesus to look after His people so that they prosper
716/10/2022RevivalEzekiel 35:1 to 36:38Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Revival comes when God puts His Spirit in His people causing them to realise how awful their sin is and therefore acknowledge how much God has done for them in Jesus
• God not only brings revival but also judgment
• To transform His people and deal with them going their own way God gives them a new heart by placing His Spirit in them
• The Spirit causes His people to acknowledge their sin and therefore their need for Jesus to die for them
823/10/2022LiveEzekiel 37:1-28Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God ransoms us by giving us His Son and causes us to live and serve Him by putting His Spirit in us so we ought to delight in gathering to worship him.
• God causes us to live by giving us His Spirit
• God makes us a part of his people so we ought to gather and worship him
• We look forward to dwelling with God with Jesus as our King
930/10/2022Facing OppositionEzekiel 38:1-39:29Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God protects His people when they face opposition as well as giving them His Spirit to enable them to live at peace with Him, gather as His people and represent His character and mercy to this world
• We should expect to face opposition
• As God’s people we can face opposition to our faith with confidence as those who oppose us are opposing our God
• God pours out His Spirit on His people to make us holy and cause us to gather so that others will know he is Lord
1006/11/2022The Lord is ThereEzekiel 40:1-48:35Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As God’s people we should look forward to spending eternity with Him, by getting to know Him, copying His character and gathering to worship Him now.
• God’s people must be faithful to Him and seek to get to know Him and copy His character.
• God’s people are to worship in His presence now looking forward to spending eternity with Him.
• What we look for to is better than we can imagine as God and Jesus are the temple in the new heavens and new earth
Revelation 21:9 – 22:5
Ezekiel 47:1-12 & 48:30-35

Going to the Cross – Matthew 19 to 25

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
105/06/2022The Last will be FirstMatthew 19:1 - 20:19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus dying for us is a demonstration of how different the values of God’s Kingdom are from those of this world, so to follow Jesus we need to live by the values of his kingdom however costly that is in this world.
• Our lives and relationships, especially in marriage, need to reflect the mercy and forgiveness we are shown in Jesus.
• The kingdom of God is worth more than anything we get in this world so that should be reflected in our attitude to money and possessions.
• Jesus dying in humanly the most humiliating way, reflect how in God’s kingdom many who are last in this world will be first.
212/06/2022The Coming of the KingMatthew 20:17 - 21:17Andrew CooperDownload
319/06/2022The Topsy Turvy KingdomMatthew 21:18 - 22:14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The righteousness that is given to us in Jesus will transform our lives as long as we believe but those who seek a righteousness apart from Jesus or do not care for God’s values will find God’s wrath
• The way into the kingdom is through faith and belief in Jesus not legalism so the kingdom is open to people, even those who have done the vilest of deeds, if they repent and believe
• Having a focus on our status and works rather than the kingdom of God will bring His wrath on us
• If we genuinely have faith, we will respond by representing the values of the kingdom and the mercy of God in our lives to all those around us.
426/06/2022Jesus is LordMatthew 22:15-46Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus is Lord and we should show that we have owned him as our Lord by how we live using our lives for God and our neighbours
• We should obey human authorities and give to them what is theirs as long as we can do this while giving God what is His.
• The new life Jesus brings is real – we will be with him in eternity.
• Our relationship with God and with others needs to reflect that Jesus is Lord by responding seeking to love.
503/07/2022The Answer to LegalismMatthew 23:1-39Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The Kingdom of God is about service and mercy as Jesus demonstrated in going to the cross for us – we need to respond similarly.
• Being great in the Kingdom of God is about serving not lording it over people
• Following God is about justice and mercy not following rules for their own sake
• We need to respond to God’s mercy by coming to him
610/07/2022Signs of the EndMatthew 24:1-35Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus both predicts many of the destructive events that we see in the world today but also his return that means we need to stand firm so that we are part of the people he gathers to him.
• Destruction and problems are predicted and we see that these predictions have been fulfilled
• As followers of Jesus we must stand firm and not be drawn away or deceived by false hopes
• We can have absolute confidence Jesus will return and gather us as his people as he has predicted.
714/08/2022Be ReadyMatthew 24:35-25:30Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We must make sure that we get to know Jesus now so that we are ready for his return as we are action out of gratitude for the mercy he shows us by dying in our place.
• Be ready for Jesus’ return as we do not know when this will be.
• Make sure you put time and effort into getting to know Jesus
• Use all that God gives you for His kingdom so that you can celebrate the fruits along with him when Jesus returns

Living as a Christian in a Hostile World – 1 Thessalonians

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
124/04/2022Imitating Jesus1 Thessalonians 1:1-10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When we turn away from the world to Jesus and receive the salvation he offers, then others will see our faith producing fruit in our lies
• Jesus inspires faith, love and hope that produce endurance and good works
• As we imitate Jesus, we become a model so that others may know of our faith in him.
• What is important is that we turn away from the things of the world to Jesus and the salvation he offers
201/05/2022Worthy of God1 Thessalonians 2:1-16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The Word of God working in us enables us to live lives worthy of God and to share the Good News with others both in words but also by how we live.
• The Good News of Jesus is entrusted to us so that we can share it with others, pleasing God
• The Word of God working in those who believe enables them to live lives worthy of God
• Those who oppose God will face judgment and destruction
308/05/2022Stand Firm1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Knowing that Jesus will return means that when we face opposition we should stand firm in our faith and desire for others to do the same
• At times life will be difficult and it will not be easy to follow God
• At such times we must stand firm and take joy in others doing the same
• We should pray that God will strengthen us and our fellow believers in our faith and love for each other
415/05/2022Pleasing God1 Thessalonians 4:1-12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God enables us to live pleasing Him by giving us his Spirit so we need to love each other showing our gratitude to him.
• We are to conduct our lives in such a way to please God not man
• God gives us Spirit so that we might live a holy life copying his character
• Therefore we should live seeking to love each other and so win the respect of outsiders
522/05/2022The Return of the King1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We and all those who believe in Jesus have so much to look forward to when he returns that we need to live out of that hope now.
• When Jesus returns we will see the dead come to life
• Jesus will return suddenly so let us be ready for it living out in faith and love out of the hope we have
• We are appointed by God for salvation so let us encourage and build each other up
629/05/2022Living with God1 Thessalonians -5:12-28Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to live our daily lives in relationship with God seeking to love and serve others because it is God who enables us to stay faithful to him.
• We are to respect our leaders because of their hard work and service so that we love and live at peace with each other
• Make sure you live in relationship with God expecting his provision and giving hanks for Jesus in your daily life.
• It is God that enables us to be presented righteous before him

The King Rises – Matthew 25 to 28

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
127/03/2022Our DestinyMatthew 25:31 - 26:16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus giving up His life for us, means that if we want to be certain of joining him in eternal life we should respond by sharing his love with others without counting the cost

Outline: Our Destiny
• Jesus is not only our saviour, but also our judge
• The righteous and wicked will be judged and sent to eternal life or destruction on the basis of the mercy they show
• Jesus’ sacrifice demands we respond in love by using our lives for him
203/04/2022Feasting with JesusMatthew 26:14 - 56Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God sending Jesus to die for us on the cross, provides undeserved mercy for us so we can look forward to feasting with Jesus in his kingdom.

• We can look forward to feasting with Jesus in God’s kingdom
• We need the mercy Jesus shows because we all at times fall away
• Jesus chose to go to the cross so fulfilling the Scriptures
310/04/2022God on TrialMatthew 26:57-27:26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are judged by how we respond to Jesus, not on what we do, so we need to rely on the mercy he offers by his blood.
• It is not how the world judges, but how Jesus judges us that matters
• We can and will fall short but when we do we need to return to God by relying on Jesus’ mercy and not go it alone
• Jesus was innocent so could die in our place so that those who rely on the mercy his blood brings might live
415/04/2022When God DiesMatthew 27:27-54Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus as our king suffered and died that we might live.
• Jesus as their king, died to save his people.
• Jesus allowed himself to be mocked and insulted and to die losing the enjoyment of his relationship with God so that we might live.
• In dying for us, Jesus demonstrates he is the son of God and the promised Saviour.
517/04/2022He is RisenMatthew 27:51-28:20Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should be excited Jesus rose from the dead enabling us to share eternal life with him and therefore speak about it and the certain hope it brings.
• Jesus said he would rise again fulfilling Scripture
• Jesus did come back to life to everyone’s amazement
• We should celebrate this by telling others to encourage them to also become his disciples

When will You Remember Us? – Lamentations

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
106/03/2022DistasterLamentations 1:1 - 2:22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Both as individuals and as God’s people gathered together in order have a good relationship with God through the mercy that Jesus offers, we need to be real with him as we face the good times or especially the bad.
• God brings disaster on his people to encourage them to turn to him
• In response we should express our pain and even outrage at what we suffer as we turn to him in these times
• We need to remember that God is in control and wants to and will comfort and save us so much that he sends His son to suffer with and for us.
213/03/2022The Man of SufferingLamentations 3:1 - 66Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: In Jesus we see how much God cares for us because Jesus suffers with and for us
• When we suffer for righteousness we copy Jesus
• God is faithful even when we are not as we see in the redemption Jesus brings
• God will protect and avenge His people from those who oppose them
320/03/2022Wrath or Eternal LifeLamentations 4:1-5:22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We have a choice of either continuing to go our own way when we face God’s terrible wrath or calling out to him for mercy when we can look forward to the wonder of eternal life that Jesus provides for us.
• When we reject God and go our own way, we risk facing God’s wrath that is worse than we can imagine
• Jesus took the punishment that should have been ours so that we might live in relationship with God
• We can call out to God to restore us knowing that He will remember and do so because of Jesus

Judgment and Restoration – The Book of Joel

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
123/01/2022The PlagueJoel 1:1-20Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God brings judgment now to warn us to be a part of his people gathering and calling to him and living for him now before the destruction of the final judgment when Jesus returns
• Judgment from God is seen now
• God wants us to respond by gathering and crying out to him
• The judgment from God that we see now looks forward to the final judgment when Jesus returns when all who do not know him will be destroyed
230/01/2022The PlagueJoel 2:1-32Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God gives His Spirit to those who turn to Him to be His people and receive His mercy through Jesus
• It is God that brings judgment.
• If we turn to God He will restore and make up for lost years because we are His people.
• God gives His Spirit to those who call on His name and rely on the salvation Jesus brings.
306/02/2022The PlagueJoel 3:1-21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God wants to dwell with His people as they gather to worship and enjoy Him.
• Beware – if you do not belong to the people of God, He will bring vengeance
• God will be the refuge for His people providing them all they need in abundance
• God forgives His people through Jesus so He can dwell with them

Revealing the Kingdom – Matthew 14 to 19

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
112/12/2021Provided ForMatthew 13:53-14:36Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus rising from the dead calls us to trust in him and look forward to eternity where he will provide more for us than we expect or deserve.
• Jesus’ ministry looks forward to the ultimate miracle him rising from the dead to give us new life
• For those in the kingdom of God Jesus provides more than they expect or deserve
• We need to respond to Jesus’ provision by trusting in him and accepting him as our King
219/12/2021A Living FaithMatthew 15:1-39Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: A living faith is not about following manmade rules, but about responding to the mercy of God shown in Jesus in gratitude trusting Him.
• Following God is not about obeying manmade rules and traditions but acting out of what Scripture says
• God’s provision is so great that the crumbs from his table are better than anything the earth provides
• We need to respond to Jesus’ provision in gratitude by trusting and following him
326/12/2021God is not a PuppetMatthew 16:1-28Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Rather than seeking to dictate to God we need to respond to Jesus’ sacrifice by being prepared to choose to follow him even when it does not suit us.
• Jesus is not a puppet doing what we say but instead represents our God
• The Good News of the Kingdom of God is about Jesus as the son of God dying for us
• We need to respond by valuing the Kingdom of God and choosing it over the things of this world
402/01/2022Listen to HimMatthew 17:1-23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We can trust Jesus with our lives now because he as he predicted died for us so that we might have new life
• We must listen to Jesus as he is the Son of God
• Faith is trusting in God and all he has done through Jesus and will do for us rather than worrying about the circumstances
• Jesus came to die so that we might have new life along with him
509/01/2022Like ChildrenMatthew 17:24-18:14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are children of God and should relate to him as such not depending on ourselves but on Him and seeking to represent Him to others.
• As we are children of God, He provides what we need for us
• We need to humble ourselves to be like children before our Father and not seek to be the greatest
• Committing ourselves to God means that we commit to enable others to become part of the kingdom and not to cause them to walk their own paths.
616/01/2022Forgive!Matthew 18:15-35Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God shows us mercy and forgiveness through Jesus so we must show the same mercy, forgiving as he forgave us.
• When we have disputes with brothers and sisters in Christ we need to reconcile.
• We cannot forgive too much
• We must forgive to be a part of the kingdom of God because it is a kingdom based on God’s mercy to us

The Excitement of Christmas

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12021-12-25 00:00:00The Excitement of ChristmasLuke 2 v 1-35Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Christmas is a time we should be excited as we celebrate Jesus bringing salvation and look forward to his return.

Beginnings – Genesis 1 to 11

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
124/10/2021In His ImageGenesis 1:1-2:3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Man was created in God’s image as the climax of creation to represent God on earth
• God created everything from nothing by His Word
• The climax of creation was God creating man in His image to represent Him
• Jesus coming restores us to the image of God so we can bear fruit by representing his character to those around us
207/11/2021Created for RelationshipGenesis 2:4-25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Humans are created for relationship with God and each other that meets fulfilment in our relationship with Jesus.
• God gave man life and provided for him giving him freedom, food and work.
• Men and women are created in and for relationship with God and each other
• The intimacy of a marriage between a woman and a man shows the unity we have to look forward to as the people of God united to Jesus
314/11/2021Rejecting GodGenesis 3:1-24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Despite us doing wrong and often blaming others for it, God provides hope and salvation for us in Jesus.
• Do not be tempted through listening to the wrong people
• Do not play the blame game
• We still have certain hope through Jesus despite the consequences of Adam’s and our own sin
421/11/2021Hope amidst DisasterGenesis 4:1-5:32Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Despite mankind rejecting God and going their own way we can still choose to relate to God and receive salvation from Him because of Jesus.
• Doing wrong brings judgment
• Not repenting and turning to God destroys relationship
• We can and should still choose to seek God and His favour
528/11/2021Hope and SalvationGenesis 6:1-9:28Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God in his mercy saves His people from the judgment for our evil and corruption to eternal life by sending Jesus
• God does and will bring judgment for mankind going their own way and ignoring and rejecting him
• God calls us to relate to and walk with him
• God provides those who do respond to his call with favour despite our sin and salvation through Jesus
605/12/2021From Confusion to FaithGenesis 10:1-12:3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God provides for us so that we receive His provision and salvation through Jesus as long as we trust and relate to Him.
• Focusing on ourselves and how great we are rather than relating to God ends in disaster
• Our salvation comes from God – all we need to do is trust in him
• We along with all people are blessed through Abraham’s line in Jesus dying for us and rising again.

Samson – Saved by Grace

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12021-10-31 00:00:00Saved By GraceJudges 13 to 16Neil McDonaldDownload
Big Idea: Like Samson we can only be saved by grace through faith and not by anything we do.

Seeing the King – Matthew 8 to 13

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
105/09/2021Beyond HumanMatthew 8:1-27Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus has an authority to save that can only be given by God, so we need to respond by centring our lives around Him and His Kingdom.
• Scripture and Jesus’ acts of salvation both testify to Jesus’ authority as coming from God
• This authority demands a response of faith centred on Jesus and not ourselves.
• It is not a human authority but in contrast commands creation
212/09/2021MercyMatthew 8:28-9:34Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus providing healing and mercy by forgiving sin should give us great joy and mean that we live representing this to others.
• Jesus came to forgive sin
• Jesus came to those in need
• We are judged by how we respond to the healing and mercy Jesus provides
319/09/2021Representing GodMatthew 9:35-10:15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Believing in Jesus means we will respond by representing His kingdom and mercy to others, even if it is hard.
• People need the mercy of Jesus and the restoration of their relationship with God
• God calls and uses us to represent His kingdom so that others may be saved
• We may encounter rejection of our message when we represent God, but that should not stop us from doing so.
426/09/2021ConflictMatthew 10:15-33Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Just as Jesus faced opposition, so as his followers we will face opposition and are judged by whether we seek to acknowledge him in the face of it.
• When we represent God we can depend on His Spirit to speak through us
• As followers of Jesus we will face opposition but our God is far greater than anything we will face.
• We are judged on whether we acknowledge and live for Jesus
503/10/2021Peace in DivisionMatthew 10:34-12:21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Peace with God and the hope of eternal life that Jesus brings is far more important than the priorities of this world
• The Kingdom of God divides people between those who want it and those who do not
• As followers of Jesus we can find rest and peace because of our relationship with God even in the midst of division
• Our hope is not in ourselves but in the mercy that God has shown in Jesus
610/10/2021In or OutMatthew 12:22-50Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Either we reject God and are left outside his kingdom forever or we are welcomed into His kingdom as members of His family
• Ongoing rejection of God leads to eternal destruction
• Our words reflect our hearts – we will be judged by them
• If we represent God by displaying his values then we become part of his family
717/10/2021What do we value?Matthew 13:1-52Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to value and grow in God’s kingdom to not risk our salvation
• We should reflect on the Word of God and put it into practise in our lives
• Those who do will shine as the children God for eternity but those who do not will suffer forever
• We need to value God’s kingdom above everything and seek to grow in reflecting its values.

The Coming King – Malachi

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
108/08/2021ChosenMalachi 1:1-14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As we are loved and chosen by God we should respond by enthusiastically worshipping our King.
• We are chosen by God in His grace as His people despite ourselves.
• Offering leftovers is no way to respond.
• Our God is a great King – we should worship him as such.
215/08/2021FaithfulMalachi 2:1-16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As we are turned from our sin and saved by the one faithful high priest Jesus, so we should respond by being faithful to our God and representing that faithfulness in our relationships.
• Unfaithfully people and especially the leaders must be prepared to face God’s rebuke.
• It is Jesus, who because he is faithful enables us to turn from our sin.
• We need to demonstrate our faithfulness to our God by being faithful in our relationships, particularly marriage.
322/08/2021BlessingMalachi 2:17 - 3:12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus coming means God in His mercy purify those who turn to Him to be His people enjoying His blessing.
• Jesus has come to make God’s people righteous
• God does not change but offers mercy to those who turn to Him
• We need to respond by prioritising God’s kingdom with all that He gives us so we will enjoy His blessing
429/08/2021Humble YourselvesMalachi 3:13 - 4:6Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to humble ourselves to receive God’s mercy through Jesus or face judgment
• God is in charge of the universe – we need to respond by living for HIm
• We need to humble ourselves and trust him rather than arrogantly go our own way
• When Jesus returns there will be salvation and delight but also terrible judgment

Growing in Godliness – 2 Peter

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
111/07/2021Growing in Godliness2 Peter 1:1-11Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: If we know Jesus and has received his mercy then we will grow in godliness assuring our salvation
• Knowing God through Jesus is precious and gives us all we need
• We must grow in being godly developing the character of God in us
• It is growing in godliness that assures us of a welcome in the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour
218/07/2021Remember the Good News2 Peter 1:12-21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Scripture is used by God to tell us about salvation in Jesus helping us to remember the Good News of His Kingdom
• We must remember Jesus and the salvation he brings
• It is Jesus that confirms that the Bible – scripture – is the Word of God and therefore true.
• Through Scripture God speaks to us shining light even into the darkest moments in our life.
325/07/2021Beware!2 Peter 2:1-22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should expect false teachers to appear among us but we need to keep to the way of righteousness found through knowing Jesus who is our righteousness.
• There will be false teachers among God’s people – we need to avoid following their ways.
• These false teachers will face judgment because they serve themselves and not God but God will have mercy on those who are growing in godliness.
• If we know Jesus and the righteousness and freedom he provides, we need to commit ourselves to following him and accepting him as our Lord.
401/08/2021Through His Word2 Peter 3:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is by God’s Word we receive salvation so as we look forward to Jesus coming we should read His Word to know Him better and grow in godliness.
• The Scriptures remind us that by God’s word the universe exists and by His word salvation and judgment come.
• Jesus is coming but God’s patience brings us salvation
• As we look forward to Jesus’ return we need to make every effort to grow in the grace and knowledge of God

Redemption – Isaiah 40 to 66

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
121/03/2021ComfortIsaiah 40 to 41Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is in choosing to submit to God’s rule that we receive the comfort of salvation in Jesus.
• God brings comfort for his people in Jesus bringing salvation for us
• It is because God is the all powerful ruler of the universe that He and no other can offer salvation
• It is in submitting to God’s rule that we get to belong to Him and receive His protection
228/03/2021Transformed by the SpiritIsaiah 42 to 44:23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus coming brings forgiveness and redemption so we can have peace with God and receive the Spirit transforming us to live for and represent God properly.
• Jesus coming brings forgiveness and redemption for all the times we turn away from and ignore God
• We should rejoice because God chooses us and loves us
• God gives us His Spirit so we can know Him personally and witness to Him
302/04/2021By His WoundsIsaiah 52:13-53:12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus died for all the times we have rejected God and gone our own way so that we can live in and enjoy relationship with Him
• We all have chosen to go our own way rejecting relationship with God
• Jesus chose to suffer and die for us to take God’s wrath
• It is through Jesus’ death that we are justified and so have life and relationship with God
404/04/2021Transformed by the SpiritIsaiah 49:1-26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: In Jesus rising again we have restoration, salvation and unmerited favour that is beyond our wildest dreams so we should rejoice.
• Jesus faithfully followed God even when faced with no obvious success
• Because of that Jesus brings both restoration and salvation for us and to the ends of the earth
• Salvation includes unmerited favour for us as God’s people – favour that we cannot imagine so we should rejoice.
511/04/2021The Call of GodIsaiah 44:24 - 48:22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God holds back His judgment to calls us to respond to His mercy so we can rejoice over His deliverance and praise Him.
• God is sovereign and will use whoever and whatever He wants to redeem His people
• God will bring judgment on the nations but holds it back so He can call His people to Him
• God desires us to come to Him acknowledging He is the One righteous God in our lives so we can praise Him.
618/04/2021Everlasting JoyIsaiah 50:1 - 52:12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Following God through the tough times means not only that we will not be condemned but that we will receive everlasting joy.
• Just as Jesus was faithful and went to the cross for us, so we are to be faithful even when following God is tough.
• If we do not make it we place ourselves under the danger of God’s judgment and ultimately torment.
• If we do choose to be faithful to God, we will not only receive salvation but everlasting joy and gladness.
725/04/2021The InvitationIsaiah 54:1 - 55:13Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should respond to God’s Word by turning to Him so he can provide us with redemption, vindication and everlasting peace.
• God loves his people unfailingly and therefore will bring everlasting restoration and vindication for his people.
• God’s word achieves his purpose to bring to him those he wants to save.
• Seek the Lord so You can delight in all he provides
820/06/2021Turning to GodIsaiah 56:1 -60:21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Despite us deserving judgment, God provides redemption through Jesus, His Spirit to enable us to walk in His ways and an inheritance in His Kingdom to those who turn to him.
• God desires for us to gather as His people and delight in Him rather than walk in our own ways
• God brings judgment because people go their own way denying him
• As we cannot redeem ourselves God sends Jesus to save all who turn to Him and give us light so He can give his Spirit to those who respond
927/06/2021Judgment that RedeemsIsaiah 61:1-64:12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When Jesus returns he will bring judgment as well as redemption, so we need to turn to God now, delight in His mercy and be transformed by Him.
• It is only through God sending His son Jesus that we can have salvation
• Judgment for sin will occur at the same time as Jesus returns to redeem so that God’s kingdom will be a kingdom of righteousness
• God transforms us so that we become righteous and pleasing to Him
1004/07/2021Heaven or HellIsaiah 65:1-66:24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God desires for us to come to Him and choose His way so that we can rejoice in His mercy and delight in Him but if we do not He will destroy us so that His kingdom will arrive.
• God wants people to come to Him to receive mercy through Jesus
• Those who choose to reject Him and go their own way chasing fortune and destiny will face destruction.
• This is a necessary judgment so that the heavens and earth can be made anew to be a place of delight and rejoicing

Keeping the Faith – 2 Timothy

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
116/05/2021By His Spirit2 Timothy 1:1-14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God’s gift of His Spirit enables us to live faithfully testifying and even suffering for Him so that we receive eternal life given to us in Jesus.
• God saves us and calls us to live for Him not because we deserve it but by His grace through Jesus
• God gives us His Spirit enabling us to have the courage to testify and even suffer for Him.
• It is the Spirit living in us that enables us to live out our faith.
223/05/2021By His Grace2 Timothy 1:13-2:15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: To attain eternal glory we need to remember Jesus and live taking strength from his grace. This is particularly true when we endure hardship.
• As Christians we will face hardship – it is how we respond that shows our faith
• Our strength is the grace and mercy of God that is found in Jesus
• We need to remember Jesus and live out of our relationship with him to attain eternal glory
330/05/2021By His Foundation2 Timothy 2:14-3:9Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to pursue God trusting Him with our salvation so that we imitate His character rather than running after the things of this world
• There will be evil doers, lovers of pleasure and themselves rather than of God that have a form of godliness but deny its power
• God is in control and brings repentance to those he wants so they can bring him glory
• We need to hold to Jesus the foundation of our hope and follow him, imitating his character
406/06/2021By His Word2 Timothy 3:10-4:8Neil McDonaldDownload
Big Idea: We need to know God's Word so we can imitate Jesus and attain the crown of righteousness.
• Just as Paul tells Timothy to imitate him as he lives and suffers for the Gospel so we need to imitate Paul
• We need to build our faith on the foundation of God's Word sp we know how to know how to attain salvation thofaith in Jesus
• If we fight the good fight Jesus will reward us with the crown of righteousness
513/06/2021By His Strength2 Timothy 4:6-22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: When we keep trusting God he will give us the strength to represent him through suffering so we’ll come safely to His kingdom
• Hard times reveal our heart do we love the world or love God
• It is not ours to seek vengeance, but God who will bring justice
• When we trust in God he gives us strength to face tough times and attain salvation

The Fire of God – Song of Songs

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
102/05/2021The Fire of GodSong of Songs 1:1 to 6 and 8:5 to 14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We can and should look forward to experiencing God’s love to the full and all the love we experience in relationships today are just a poor reflection of God’s love
• We should reject impersonal, polygamous, manipulative love that Solomon represents as true love cannot be bought and sold.
• The love that we experience in relationships and particularly marriage in our lives today points us to the ultimate love is that which God shows us in Jesus coming and dying for us
• We can look forward to experiencing this love in full as the bride of Christ when Jesus returns
209/05/2021Beyond Our DreamsSong of Songs 2:7 to 8:4Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: In the relationship we have to look forward to for eternity we will be loved beyond anything we can dream of – a love that the more we love God exclusively now the greater our current knowledge and enjoyment of it.
• The more that love is exclusive to others and will last, the more it can and should be intimate particularly sexually. This should apply in relationships today.
• Our God demands exclusive love from us that he shows through Jesus - the more we grasp this love and allow its exclusivity to be a part of our lives now the more we will know him intimately.
• The love in the Song of Songs is a dream relationship – but while we will only enjoy such love in full when Jesus returns in our relationship with him we can all enjoy it in part in our relationship with God now.

The Coming King – Matthew’s Gospel

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-12-20The Coming KingMatthew 1:1-25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus came to save us so that we would know and be able to relate to God through him.
• God’s people include the outcasts and humanly dishonorable
• Jesus came according to God’s plan fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament
• Jesus’ coming means we are saved to relationship with God
22020-12-25Worship of the KingMatthew 2:1-16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: The appropriate response to Jesus coming is worship in Spirit and Truth
• God’s king arriving demands a response
• This response should include sharing our joy and what we have with others in worship
• True worship involves obedience to God
32020-12-27The Baptism of the KingMatthew 2:13 - 3:17Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus showed us how to live trusting and depending on God so we should follow him.
• God is in control - Jesus’ coming and the events around it were in fulfilment of His Word
• Human corruption and sin means we need to turn to God so we can be cleansed to live for him
• Jesus represents God to us showing us how to live in dependence on God
42021-01-03The Kingdom is NearMatthew 4:1-25Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should respond to Jesus bringing the kingdom of God by following him.
• We need to respond to trials by seeking God and not compromising our faith in taking an easy but questionable way out
• We need to respond to Jesus coming by following him and encouraging others to do the same
• The kingdom of God brings restoration physically and spiritually
52021-01-10Beauty in God's KingdomMatthew 5:1-16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: To enter God’s kingdom we need to desire His righteousness and display His mercy to those around us
• God’s kingdom is about Him and His righteousness and not ours
• We therefore need to desire His kingdom and values in our lives whatever the difficulties
• As followers of Jesus we need to represent him, his values and the mercy he brings to those around us
62021-01-17The Righteousness of GodMatthew 5:17-30Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are Christians not because we are righteous in ourselves but because Jesus is our righteousness
providing a relationship with God that we need to live and relate out of.
• We cannot meet the righteousness of God by legalistically following rules
• Jesus is the fulfilment of the law, the righteousness of God
• The righteousness of God is about living in relationship with Him and those around us
72021-01-24Living in RelationshipMatthew 5:31-48Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As Christians we rely on God giving us undeserved mercy, so we need to show mercy
• We need to build relationships by being trustworthy
• Righteousness in God’s kingdom is about seeking relationship not legalism so we need to reflect that in our lives.
• We need to love those around us even when they do not deserve it and it does not benefit us
82021-01-31Done in SecretMatthew 6:1-18Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Prayer, fasting and giving should be done in secret as they are about relationship with God
• We either seek praise from men or receive God’s reward. We cannot get both.
• How we speak and relate to God should reflect our desire for His kingdom in our lives
• We need to love those around us even when they do not deserve it and it does not benefit us
92021-02-07The Answer to WorryMatthew 6:19-34Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We need to live out of our faith trusting God and using what we have for his kingdom
because we know from Jesus coming that he can and will provide for us.
• What we do with our possessions reflects whether or not we are devoted to the kingdom of God
• We can and should trust God rather than worry about life as He will look after us
• We need to seek what matters which is God’s kingdom
102021-03-07Good GiftsMatthew 7:1-12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God gives us the gifts we need to represent His mercy to others
• We need to avoid condemning others unless we do not want to receive God’s mercy
• We should come to God with the expectation that he will provide us with all that we need to represent him
• We need to represent God to others even those we may find hard
112021-03-14The ChoiceMatthew 7:13-29Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We either choose to follow Jesus and represent His mercy to those around or face destruction.
• God’s people represent His character and mercy to those around them
• We are saved by knowing Jesus and not by our works
• We need to hear what God says to us through His Word and put it into action

The King after God’s Own Heart – 2 Samuel

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-10-11 00:00:00The King Maker2 Samuel 1 to 5v5Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We can trust our God to provide salvation for his in his mercy and also to bring justice on earth because He is God so our attitudes and actions should reflect this.
• Justice belongs to the Lord – it is his to avenge
• We are not God – therefore our attitudes and actions need to reflect this
• God is in control and will fulfil his promises to us despite our failings because he is God
22020-10-18 00:00:00The King After God's Own Heart2 Samuel 5v6 to 6v23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Rather than focus on ourselves we should seek God and be excited by our relationship with Him that he grants us in Jesus and guarantees through the gift of His Spirit
• Fear of the Lord leads to wisdom – We should seek God
• We should take joy in the presence of the Lord and celebrate together the gift of His Spirit
• It is humility and service rather than lording it over people that God values and wants from his king
32020-10-25 00:00:00Who Builds the House?2 Samuel 7Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is knowing that we do not deserve God’s mercy but are given it anyway that enables us to develop our relationship with Him.
• We need God – he graciously provides for us
• We are redeemed by Jesus to be God’s people – His house for eternity
• God’s amazing love enables to relate to Him and speak to Him in prayer
42020-11-01 00:00:00The Kingdom of God2 Samuel 8 to 10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God provides mercy and an inheritance for His people in Jesus but those who do not trust in Jesus and reject His mercy face judgment and destruction.
• The nations are our inheritance – God provides for His people through his King
• We should respond to Jesus mercy by like David representing God’s mercy to the world
• Those who reject God’s mercy and humiliate His people face judgment
52020-11-08 00:00:00The Mercy of God2 Samuel 11 to 12Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We are all guilty before Godbut because of Jesus dying for our sins we receive mercy and can look forward to eternal life together
• God sees all we do – with God we cannot get away with anything
• Like David we are guilty and deserve death
• God is merciful so while we may face consequences in this life for our actions in Jesus we are forgiven
62020-11-15 00:00:00The Judgment of God2 Samuel 12 to 15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God has to bring judgment, whoever it affects and however uncomfortable the consequences because without justice we do not see the hope and mercy of Jesus.
• Our sin affects those around us as they are impacted by the results but also see a bad example
• Judgment is necessary to bring justice as otherwise there is no bound to sin
• Even when life does not seem fair or is tough we need to trust God because of the mercy and hope he gives us in Jesus
72020-11-22 00:00:00The Darkest Hour2 Samuel 15 to 19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is in Jesus that we find God’s favour, God’s wisdom and the true Good News because mercy and justice meet
• It is God’s favour not human favour that matters
• True wisdom comes from knowing and living out of relationship with God
• When justice and mercy do not meet – the Good News that brings grief to David
82020-12-06 00:00:00The Compromised King2 Samuel 19v9 to 20v26Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We look forward to Jesus returning as we need a king who has the power to bring justice without compromise so he can rid our world of sin.
• Being right is not everything – we need mercy from God so we must not be self-righteous
• Love is not conditional on reward
• There will not be full justice until Jesus returns
92020-12-13 00:00:00Relationship with God - Convenience or Necessity?2 Samuel 21 to 24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: David is the king after God’s own heart because he sought and depended on God’s mercy returning to God and admitting his faults when he turned away.
• It is not the proud who look to their own righteousness but those who depend on God for grace and righteousness because God saves
• The king is the representative of the people before God – because Jesus is righteous God considers us righteous
• Relationship with God and dependence on His mercy is not a matter of convenience but necessity


Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
129/11/2020Heaven - Better By FarRomans 8:18-25
Revelation 21:1-5, 21:22-22:5
Neil McDonaldDownload
Big Idea: Heaven is worth waiting for

The Hope of the Resurrection – 2 Thessalonians

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
120/09/2020Growth and Glory2 Thessalonians 1Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is faith in Jesus and love growing in us that mean we can represent God’s kingdom now and look forward to sharing in it at Jesus’ return.
• We need to persevere in trusting God through trials so we are counted worthy of His kingdom
• Those who do not know God will face everlasting destruction, because God is just.
• We should be growing in faith and love so that Jesus may be glorified in us
227/09/2020Jesus' Return2 Thessalonians 2Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: What matters is that God has chosen us to be saved when Jesus so we should focus on living for that and not on the details of when it happens
• Jesus will return but worse things will happen first
• The devil is at work in the world deceiving those who refuse to love the truth.
• We are saved by trusting in God’s mercy and in Jesus and by the Spirit working in us
310/04/2020Jesus is Lord2 Thessalonians 3Andrew CooperDownload
2 Thessalonians 3:1-18
Title: Jesus is Lord
Big Idea: Because Jesus is Lord we should work and pray so that the kingdom of God will grow
• Prayer is critical to the expansion of the kingdom of God in ours and others lives.
• As Christians we should work because Jesus is Lord
• Do not tire of doing what is right and encourage others to do the same


Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-09-06 00:00:00The Puzzled ProphetHabakkuk 1 and 2Sam SmithDownload
Big Idea: The Righteous are Saved by Faith
22020-09-13 00:00:00The Prayer of FaithHabakkuk 1 and 2Sam SmithDownload
Big Idea: The faithful trust that God is in charge whatever the circumstances as they fix their eyes on Jesus.

A New Relationship – Ezra

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-08-02 00:00:00A New StartEzra 1 - 3:6Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We should live out of the relationship with God that Jesus’ death and resurrection provides seeking to worship Him in Spirit and Truth
• God stirs up his people to seek to enjoy relationship with him and works in the lives of others to make this happen
• We should respond obediently in generosity
• Right worship of God is centred around gathering with God’s people to learn and be encouraged by God’s Word
22020-08-08 00:00:00New FavourEzra 3:1 - 4:24Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is because Jesus grants us freedom that we can expect to face opposition, but when we do we need to persevere in following Him whatever the difficulties to share in His glory.
• We should use the freedom Jesus grants us to follow God according to His Word
• In following God we need to avoid compromise and not worship the idols of the world
• We will face opposition just as Jesus did, but we need to persevere
32020-08-16 00:00:00New FavourEzra 5:1 - 6:22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is because of Jesus that God grants us relationship and favour so we should celebrate it
• Listening to God’s Word causes us to live and act out of our faith
• It is God’s favour that brings success
• We should join together in celebrating the freedom Jesus brings
42020-08-23 00:00:00New LifeEzra 7:1 - 8:36Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Life comes from God so we should respond to the mercy Jesus offers by listening to His Word and acting appropriately as this brings favour.
• We listen to the word of God so we can have life in relationship with HIm
• God’s favour brings us courage and success
• God wants us to be diligent in following Jesus
52020-08-30 00:00:00New SinEzra 9:1 - 10:44Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is only because of Jesus’ death and the gift of his Spirit that we can approach God and learn to live according to His Word
• Turning away from God to other things (sin) is a part of this world, but our identity is in God.
• Sin should be foreign to us as the people of God, so when we are a part of sin we need to bring it before God seeking his mercy.
• We need to respond to God’s mercy shown to us in Jesus by turning towards him in our lives

Hope in Suffering – 1 Peter

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-06-14 00:00:00Hope that Transforms1 Peter 1:1-16Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We have a hope that means we must choose to be a part of and love God’s people however difficult that may be.
• We have a certain living hope because of Jesus overcoming death of sharing in His inheritance
• Living out of that hope especially when it is hard grows our faith in Jesus
• Having faith means that we must and will be transformed to be like God in our character
22020-06-21 00:00:00How Precious is our Salvation1 Peter 1:17 - 2:3Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We have a hope that means we must choose to be a part of and love God’s people however difficult that may be.
• We have a certain living hope because of Jesus overcoming death of sharing in His inheritance
• Living out of that hope especially when it is hard grows our faith in Jesus
• Having faith means that we must and will be transformed to be like God in our character
32020-06-28 00:00:00God's Special Possession1 Peter 2:4-10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God chooses us to be His people showing his mercy in Jesus causing us to represent Him to the world.
• We are being built together to be God’s people
• We either respond to Jesus and are saved for eternity or suffer final judgment.
• We represent God and his mercy to those around us.
42020-07-05 00:00:00Freedom1 Peter2:11 -3:7Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Because Jesus died we are called to live representing God’s mercy to those around us however costly this may be.
• Our lives should express our faith
• Because we belong to Jesus we are free to choose to submit to other authorities and people
• It is because Jesus suffered and died for us that we can consider and live for others whatever the cost
52020-07-12 00:00:00Salvation1 Peter 3:8 - 4:6Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Because Jesus has risen bring us salvation we need to live humbly representing him.
• As Christians we are to live humbly seeking peace and to represent Jesus not revenge or to justify ourselves
• We do not need to fear the world because our Lord has returned from the dead bringing us salvation
• Our God will vindicate us
62020-07-19 00:00:00The Return of the King1 Peter 4:7-19Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus will return so we should use all God gives us to further his kingdom
• Jesus will return so this should affect how we live.
• All of us have gifts (abilities) given to us by God to use in the service of His people
• When we face judgment, we need to be a part of God’s family
72020-07-26 00:00:00Receiving Riches1 Peter 5:1-14Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Because Jesus has risen bring us salvation we need to live humbly representing him.
• As Christians we are to live humbly seeking peace and to represent Jesus not revenge or to justify ourselves
• We do not need to fear the world because our Lord has returned from the dead bringing us salvation
• Our God will vindicate us

The Extraordinary God at Work in the Ordinary – Haggai

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-05-24 00:00:00Better Homes and GardensHaggai 1:1-15Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As followers of Jesus we must prioritise gathering with and growing God’s people.
• We need to prioritise building God’s kingdom now
• Waiting for everything to go right to serve and prioritise God’s kingdom does not work
• We follow Jesus in community as God’s people are being built to together into a temple in which his Spirit dwells
22020-05-31 00:00:00The Greater GloryHaggai 2:1-9Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God is among us now because Jesus has brought us peace
• It’s God’s presence and our relationship with Him that matters – the effects of how we respond to him belong to him.
• When we are true to God He will act on our behalf to bring Him glory.
• We are granted peace with God and a relationship with Him through Jesus.
22020-06-07 00:00:00Turn to GodHaggai 2:10-23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: If we want relationship with God and to share in the blessings Jesus brings we need to turn to Him and accept Him as our Lord
• God created us for relationship with Him and therefore wants us to turn to Him.
• God provides for His people when they seek Him.
• God uses His people to make His plans come about.

The Day of the Lord – Obadiah

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
117/05/2020The Day of the LordObadiah 1:1-21Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We have a hope that means we must choose to be a part of and love God’s people however difficult that may be.
• God’s judgment on Edom – the consequences of not choosing to be a part of God’s people
• The sovereignty of God – we are either part of His kingdom or we are not
• The coming hope and judgment on the day of the Lord

Redemption – The Book of Ruth

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
119/04/2020When Times are ToughRuth 1:1-22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: As Jesus went through death so we could live, we need to trust God and live for Him even when times are tough.
• An unwise journey – moving away from God’s promises
• Deciding for God – a choice that matters
• God is sovereign – therefore we need to hold fast to Him even in the tough times
226/04/2020When God ActsRuth 2:1-23Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: God redeems us through Jesus death and resurrection so we should represent his generosity and mercy to others
• Finding God’s provision – persevering while trusting God
• Being Holy – representing the generosity and mercy of God
• God brings the hope of redemption – we need to recognize and live out of it.
303/05/2020The Name that DisappearedRuth 3:1-4:10Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: If we want to be a part of God’s kingdom and experience eternal life with Jesus we must prioritise its values over building our own.
• Seeking redemption – God’s redemption means we can trust Him to provide for us
• Holding to God’s values - We must be faithful to God even when it is costly
• The nobody - being focused on keeping hold of what one has rather than the values of God’s kingdom does not work
410/05/2020According to PlanRuth 4:9-22Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: We can trust God to provide for us because he redeemed us through Christ according to His plan
• God’s provision – God answers the prayers of blessing
• Redemption – Naomi’s disgrace is removed and Ruth a foreigner is blessed
• God’s Plan – God planned for Boaz, Ruth and the child that redeemed Naomi to be a part of the most import line in history, the line from which Jesus, our redeemer is born.

Luke 20 – 23

Sermon NoDateTitlePassagePreacherAudioDownload
12020-03-22 00:00:00Who rules?Luke 20:20 - 21:4Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: It is because we know that Jesus lives that we should live excited by serving him.
• Being under human authority does not take away from our need to serve God
• It is only because Jesus is fully God that he brings the certain hope of salvation
• Giving and Serving God should be a way of life not for show
22020-03-29 00:00:00Who will stand?Luke 21:5-38Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus dying and rising again mean that we can trust God and persevere in our faith even in the toughest of times because of the certainty of eternal life.
• We should expect times of God’s judgment and wrath because he predicted this
• We can trust God in these times as long as we follow him
• We need to keep focused on Christ and his kingdom so we can stand before him
32020-04-05 00:00:00The Servant KingLuke 22:1-38Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus laying down his life and even going to the cross for us means we should respond by copying and representing him even when it is costly.
• While Satan exists and encourages us to turn away from God, we have responsibility for our own behaviour.
• Jesus going to the cross to suffer and die for us was the fulfilment of the Passover in accordance with God’s plan.
• Leadership among the people of God is about representing Jesus not seeking our own honour.
42020-04-10 00:00:00God On TrialLuke 22:66-23:49Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus chose to die to save us so that we as his people would be forgiven for our sin
• Jesus is declared innocent yet is condemned to death
• No-one else is innocent – the people join the leaders in their sin
• Jesus should be our king because he chose to save us rather than himself
52020-04-12 00:00:00Hope is BornLuke 23:46-24:53Andrew CooperDownload
Big Idea: Jesus rising from the dead means we need to turn to God to receive his mercy and encourage others to do so.
• Without Jesus rising from the dead there is no hope
• We have hope because Jesus is risen in body
• This hope of eternal life is found in turning to God in our lives to receive his mercy